Welcome to Something New


Obviously, this website and update is not the result of our skills. One of the privileges of working at our training center is also being mentored by those we do life with. Our students have some amazing skills and gifts. God brought into our lives one of these student couples, Micheal & Morgan LeBlanc. Not only did Micheal spend many hours putting this together but also invested the time needed to help us understand and learn how to use this new tool. Our desire is to have more frequent and shorter updates. This will also allow you the freedom to pick and choose what you want to read or watch.

We want to thank each and everyone of you who are part of the team. We only wish you could come along and join the invigorating conversations, the wonderful hospitality, and witness the work of God. The body of Christ is such a wonderful thing. Gods perfect answer to care for and equip each member. So thanks again for being His extension into our lives.

With much appreciation. Dave & Laura

Laura Percy